Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cow Camp Blogging Group Four

Blogging Workshop Group Four

"Experience Around Cows" by Brian {17 years old}
My experience around cows has been great.  I have learned many new experiences working around cows.  Many things that I have learned has helped me in the future.  It has taught me to be a very responsible person.  I have also learned to work by myself and not count on having someone always there.

"My First Year Showing" by Kyle {16 years old}
My first year showing with Hilmar FFA was a great experience.  I showed one animal, a replacement heifer and I showed her at all 3 fairs, but the last fair I had with her, I had to sell her.  Selling my first animal made me realize how much I love working with dairy and now I am showing two animals, one replacement heifer and one registered, at all the fairs.

"The Cow Goes Moo!"  by Tony {15 years old}
My first experience with a dairy cow was unfortunately not a good one.  When I was 2 years old, I used to walk around the dairy with my family.  Every time a cow would moo, I would throw a tantrum and yell "Shut Up! Shut Up! Stop Mooing!"  I am extremely involved in the family dairy farm and hope someday I will carry on the great family tradition and lifestyle of owning a dairy farm.

"Inspiration" by Caitlin {15 years old}
Kirsten Areias has helped me out throughout my whole dairy experience.  Without her, I would not have been able to win two national dairy titles, several fair wards and multiple state dairy bowl titles.  She has been my inspiration and is the reason why I am where I am with my dairy cattle today.

"Thank You Dairy!"  by Katie {16 years old}
Without the dairy industry I would have never met my best friend, Caitlin.  About 5 years ago we frequently saw each other at local Jr. Holstein Association activities.  A strong friendship grew quickly as we became closer.  Now we travel around to various fairs, cow camps, and state and national conventions, meeting new people from all around the country.  So thank you to the dairy industry for helping me find my best friend.

"Cow Camp" by Randy E. {16 years old}
My favorite part of cow camp is when I sang Oh Malhao Oh Malhao yesterday and whistled..........good times.

"Cow Camp" by Anton {16 years old}
My favorite part of cow camp was when my friends and I sang Portuguese folklore and whistled Silent Night.  I feel that it was a very good treat for the younger kids and we even received a standing ovation.

"My First Experience With Life"  by Jessie {16 years old}
My family, and family friends were at the Moretti Family Dairy after the annual REHA Judging Day.  The Moretti's have been family friends since my parents were in high school.  All afternoon I had been running back and forth to the calving barn.  A Jersey cow was heavily pregnant and ready to have her baby.  The last time I went up to the barn, it was obvious she was ready.  I ran back down to the house to get Mike Moretti, the owner of 2M Dairy.  The cow was having a difficult time, getting up and down repeatedly.  She had to have the calf pulled.  Once the chains were on, the calf slid out.  A little bull was born.  I had never experienced life being born right in front of me.  It's amazing to be able to witness the beginning of a life.  These are the moments that make me so passionate about agriculture and the dairy industry.

"Showing"  by Shelby {17 years old}
Fair time is fun time, right?  This year was my first year showing.  I showed my Jersey and my Holstein heifers.  I spent a lot of time getting them ready for the fair, practicing showmanship, clipping, etc.  Overall it was a lot of work, but it was a lot of fun and I am looking forward to the next show.

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